It’s My Life: I – 300 Reasons
Hello and welcome to the debut of “It’s My Life“. This ain’t a blog for the broken-hearted.
An irregular blog series where I journal my thoughts, document my encounters, and generally vent, with a gentle smattering of pop culture references. Real names of others will be obfuscated to protect the innocent, locations will be generalised, there will be no body count*.
This initial post post is likely to be considerably longer than the norm, firstly to allow me to set expectations and secondly, simply so that I do not burn myself out and/ or apply undue pressure to perform.
It was late-2019, I made a passing comment about 2020 being synonymous with ‘perfect vision’ and vowed to end the bad habits, embrace clean healthy living and do my bit to ensure I was around to witness my child, hereafter known as ‘the child’ grow up. Then, well then 2020 hit and wasn’t that a pretty awful year for us all? Almost 4 years on and I for one, am not yet back on an even footing.
A few days ago, a childhood friend replied to a post on social media, a post which was not directed to me, about me, or which he would have any expectations I would see. His name is not important, nor is the content of the post, and neither will be shared. His profile picture though, contained text which read “I am who I am. Your approval isn’t needed”. For whatever reason that resonated with me and, long story short, here we are.
“What are the 300 reasons?!” I hear you cry. Well, I recently hit an unfortunate milestone, am starting to feel the effects of said milestone, and don’t like it. Change is required.
If you made it this far, consider leaving a comment. Constructive feedback is always welcome and it needn’t be positive. Don’t like something? Let me know. If you’re looking for more of my ramblings, a more in depth argument, or just want to berate me in a more public setting, consider joining the Infinite Realities Discord server where you can engage with members of the community and follow the general happenings.
With 100% complete sincerity, I don’t care what you think of me, I can’t do a damn thing about that. None of us are getting out of this alive and, like Frankie says, I’m doing it my way.
See you tomorrow?