It’s My Life: V – An Update A Day Keeps The Doctor? Away

Hello and welcome to “It’s My Life“. This ain’t a blog for the broken-hearted.

For many years I would start a project and then another, and another, and another, and… you get the idea. Each project was started with the best of intentions and sincere belief that this was the trigger point where I’d actively maintain the latest project AND retroactively flash out the old projects, bringing them up to standard. To a small degree this did work as described. Virtually ALL the projects have received some form of update or polish. Unfortunately most did not receive enough attention that this was immediately apparent.

For the first time in many, many years, I have the majority of my fragmented documents, files, and random scribblings, together in one (well, a handful of) place(s). The level of duplication is unpleasing but it’s manageable, and it’s coming down in scale. Which brings me on to the point.

I will endeavour to update at least one of the projects daily. Whether this is a blog post or some additional content being added, or really anything which is verifiable. A major edit to a previously published piece of content which increases the quality being a good example. Honestly, my reader count is so low, this will be a total insignificance. It will however be a recorded insignificance.

If you made it this far, consider leaving a comment. Constructive feedback is always welcome and it needn’t be positive. Don’t like something? Let me know. If you’re looking for more of my ramblings, a more in depth argument, or just want to berate me in a more public setting, consider joining the Infinite Realities Discord server where you can engage with members of the community and follow the general happenings. Alternatively, engage with the community on the subreddit.

With 100% complete sincerity, I don’t care what you think of me, I can’t do a damn thing about that. None of us are getting out of this alive and, like Frankie says, I’m doing it my way.

See you tomorrow?